The Existence


The thought of  “natural existence” arrives in a moment where a person completely break from their barrier of active consciousness. It may long for a few seconds to minutes and could deliver a feeling of uncertainty.

Have you ever experienced this situation before? You may have but might not know how to correlate your experience with the above said terminologies. It often happens when you freshly wake up from a noon nap or an intense day sleep. The symptoms starts with the uncertainty about your location and surroundings continued by various questions about your current situation. If the state lasts enough, the ultimatum of the questions will end at a feeling that includes, Who am I ? What is  me?  like senses. You usually answer it yourself soon and may forget the incident, but luckily, some keeps it in the mind to perplex them often.

When we go through the series of thought process regarding our individual existence, we could easily understand that it is not simple but complex process that occurred at the very first time of human evolution. Every single of us existing today is the result of tens of thousands generations that fought and thrived through enormous deadly situations. Our parents are the last among that chain, not mentioning your brave effort in out running billions of sperms in the way of your esteemed existence. We were naked, weaponless and hopeless creatures in the past. Our ancestors built our existence from scratch over centuries and millenniums.

What is the point? Why they did that? They lived for our existence today or just lived like that?Why should it is important to understand the reality of existence? Do we have to mind it or just live our life completing our self created tasks in day to day life? Do we have any tasks other than a normal life?

You deserve answers .  The reality of existence could deliver you the door to see and feel world with a completely different perspective. If you are ready, lets start the voyage.
