While Raining in the Consciousness…


The tropical trees are like a group of Indian girls who are on the way to temple with wet hairs, after a ritual bath. As they chat by murmuring branches in the wind, the water drops are falling down from the canopy, just like the flowers from the adorned hair…

Yes, it is all about the rain. Rain is the beauty of Tropical zone. A rain after warm and sweaty sleepless nights is more than a natural process for a tropical man. For him , it is an emotional expression outburst of the nature ! So he becomes easily nostalgic over it !

Starting from the “earthy smell” of the “wetting dried soil” ( Actually a chemical compound Geosmin Produced by a group of Actinobacteria) till the showers from the trees after the raining is like a human life. A number of emotions and expressions are incorporated in this “Cosmic Art”. Sometimes wild, some times mild… Sometimes torrential, sometimes tranquil… Sometimes comic , sometime tragic…, yes, it is nothing but an imitation of human life.

The water is the molecule of life- as we know. For a tropical throat, it is availability is mainly by means of rain. So it is valid to think about the fate of the water afterwards. Especially on “what is rain for a living being”.

A part of the water drops will get vaporized and go back to the atmosphere once the sun show its face through the veils clouds. It will take up the heat of the soil and cool the earth. A number of drops will join hands with others in the soil and become streams. They quench the thirst of all animals. A proportion of water will be taken up the plant. The salts and minerals dissolved in it will be entered through the rootlets, roots, and xylem tissues of the plant and reach the leaf where a part of the water will escape through stomata – small openings in leaf- to atmosphere. The remaining part will enter in photosynthesis, where the oxygen atom become free from the chemical bond in water molecule and escape to the atmosphere and the Hydrogen will be the part of the carbohydrate formed by combining with the atmospheric carbon dioxide.

The oxygen that had escaped to the atmosphere, later will be taken up by animals. They use it as a fuel for burning of carbohydrate for the energy production for the metabolic processes. As a result of this respiration process, again the water and carbon dioxide are reborn. This water again will reach on air.

Similarly, water consumed by animals are excreted after washing each and every cells and making them pure – and coming out as impure – as sweat, excreta ect. Here it acts as a purifier and carrier of  various vital components. It is also evaporated into the atmosphere.

In air the water vapour is a free-bird. But, once they come in contact with a current of cool air, these molecules condense and droplets are formed. These droplets aggregate to for large drops. As their “ego” increased, they are unable to fly in the air freely. It was caught by the gravity of earth and fall down.

Even a drop of rain also itself have its own function. It can be a part of carbohydrate, which later holds various food chains in nature. It can be a part of atmospheric oxygen, which conserves the life in the lap of mother earth. It can cool the dried throat of the earth. It can quench the thirst of living beings as being part of springs, streams, rivers and other water bodies.

Just imagine how the shapeless, colourless , odourless , tasteless rain drops becomes the reason for the shape, colour ,odour, and taste of the nature ! This is how a cosmic intelligence uses a material. in another words, a rain becomes a part of living and non-living things in the nature – directly or indirectly.

Our physical bodies are visible images, formed by the union of some of the molecules in atmosphere and the earth, for a specific purpose. After, our life time in the earth, these atoms will be freed from the physical body, and further becomes a part of another living body. So literally after death, a man ( who identifies himself as a physical body) incarnate (Physically) as part  of diverse living as well as non-living forms ; as rain, as air, as micro- organisms, as a plant , as another animal, or sometimes as a human itself! Since a binding force hold the atoms in our body together, we have a specific role in the earth and a justification for our physical existence. We are indebted to the nature for this body which is the earthly abode of our “true self“. It’s all- atom by atom- were rented from the nature ! The Cosmic engineer arranged these atoms as “us” to deliver some of his tasks in this infinite universe.

It is the most suitable time for meditating on rain. Because, it is the opening day of Monsoon -2016, June 07.
