The Existence 2


You are alive. You are not just alive, you can read or you can hear. You can see or feel the world. Ultimately, we got a chance to live. Are we living the real life? A perfect human being is considered as a person who has at least a good friend, parents or alike guardians, education and an attitude favorable to the community. Is that enough?

How to live a productive life? How to find the aim of your life?

We all become productive when we start contributing to the community. If you are working in an organization, you are investing your precious moments to enhance the organization’s productivity. The organization’s productivity finally contributes to the progress of humanity. The problem starts when you focus only in one or two main things of your life. You may be focused in a fruitful family life and in your job. There is no doubt that today or tomorrow you will find your life boring. Because there is always something else nature has made you responsible. You will not feel free until you recognize it.

What is really a productive life?

Analyse your environment. Your environment includes people who depends on you, the people whom you depends, friends, the close community members and others whom you meet in your day today life. You will also see animals of various species, plants & trees of various kinds and other living creatures. Each moment you spend in earth cost the environment some thing. There are people working for you so that you can have food, eat medicines, drive your car, wear your shirts, paint your homes and a lot more. There are plants working for you to deliver the Oxygen molecule you breathe. There are animals feeding to feed you.

It is the time to thank them all. It is the time to recognize their efforts. Try not only to congratulate the brands, but also the people who work under it. If you do so, tomorrow, the shirt you wear will have much more quality. The same goes with our nature.

Nature is a vast term. Mostly common and vast things won’t concern as like personal problems. That is because of the mistaken concept of responsibility docking. We often not consider responsible for nature’s degradation but finds confidence and creates a pseudo thought about our role in nature’s protection process though we are not moving a finger for it.

Do we really have to create awareness about nature’s protection?

To find its answer we have to go back to the undeveloped animal community. No one has taught a cat or dog or an elephant to swim. It swims like that. These animals live in their own ecology. They never harm their environment, because they don’t have to do it. Where as we humans, always tried to change ourselves and the world for our convenience forgetting our real capabilities. That is not a bad thing and gave us lot of advantages. That is why today we can shop from the ambiance of our home.

However, we are loosing our inbuilt physical and emotional abilities. Emotions are the basement of humanism and its progress. Even our emotions and feeling are being neutralized. Think about love, passion and affection. Modern world demands no feelings and our human source code is getting corrupted when being with advancements .  In future, it will not be a surprise if off springs finds their own way of life dumping beloved parents. Bonds of relation will become solute when life gets more into profession and business. Friendships and relations will only exist for motives. We are making ourselves a machine and there is only one way to prevent this : Identify nature, identify who you are.

Become smarter :

We are  not doing things smart even if we can. We all know plastic cause problem and littering will cause serious troubles. For example, littering a plastic cover in the soil will restrict a seed from becoming a seedling.  A plastic bottle you threw in the water finally dumps in the sea bed which destructs sea bed flora finally resulting in reduced sea wealth.

It is easy to run awareness campaigns and strikes calling for ecology and nature protection but we have to think a bit more. Even if I or you learned about the importance of nature and its protection, we always have a limit to keep our levels on eco protection process.  In fact, these protection thoughts will never halt us from using our cars, roads, paints, colors, shirts and plastics unless we have an efficient cost effective alternative. We need more advancements in eco friendly technologies than awareness programs.

What is our role?

Our role is to make sure every one of us are keen on our aim to protect our environment. Even a slight change in our eco system could provide drastic troubles. Who will have the lose? It will be us, our million years of history and hard work will perish one day. A little inconvenience today could help us make a better world. There are facilities to dispose plastics better. Try this : if you any time happens to see anybody about to throw a bottle loose, take it from them and put it in the bin despite of asking them to do so. Next time, they will at least remember before doing the same mistake.

It is important to introduce the new eco friendly technology to common man at the same time doing strikes and campaigns. We don’t need to restrict ourselves to corporate research teams to find out a new eco technology. We can make innovative ideas ourselves where ever it is possible. No matter how small or simple the technique is , learn it from others and share. Once cost effective eco friendly technology is here, no one would go behind risky pollutants.

But it is not just restricted to ecology …

It will be amazing once you take care of the little eco friendly things you could do. Your life will feel more smarter and happy. But there are more things you could do to make your self and others happy… try to do little helps to others on the go, but do things which you find it is necessary for them. To be specific, you can help others, but don’t do help that will make them lazy. Don’t hesitate in asking why they can’t do it themselves in a friendly manner. If their answer or attitude is not friendly, thumbs up and thank you! You already done your duty.
