A Jurassic Spring


It was a bright morning after a dull rainy evening and misty night of a  mountainous area in the Western Ghats of Kerala State, India, where I reside as part of my job . Unusually, immediately after woke up, I opened the door and stand outside of my Quarters even without brushing the teeth.

It was calm. A tranquility was overwhelming in the slopes of the hills and woods. But suddenly I realized : it was not at all calm. It was very noisy. Uncountable birds were making sounds from all sides. While I concentrate, I could recognize 2-3 of them. Some times their sounds resembled like sound of waters that was flowing through a rocky spring on the hill side. They were flying here and there. Even though I could here the sound of a number of birds, none of them were visible for me.

Birds are Glorified Reptiles”- as I studied in Zoology. They were evidently evolved from the reptiles in sometime and somewhere in Jurassic period. The fossil of Archaeopterix, which exhibits the characters of both bird and reptile can be a potential intermediate member in the chain of this evolutionary process. They had teeth, claws on the “wings” (fore arms) like reptiles and had feathers like a bird.

“How was their (Archaeopterix) song?” In the sleepless nights and sick-resting days, while lying on the bed with half-opened eyes, I used to hear the sound of lizard several times from the corners of my room. Sometimes it made me scared on hearing it unexpectedly. I never heard the sound of any other reptile so far. So it is very genuine to think that when, how and why the “Glorified reptiles” got the “golden tongue”! How was the song of the first bird in the world? What the response of the nature hearing the first solitary cry of a bird which had echoed in the woods and valleys?

Or how was the world before the evolution of the birds? What was the sound of the nature? How gloomy were the sun desk and dawns?

Can you imagine a “Jurassic Spring”?

It seems nature first established everything for the safe existence of all forms of lives. Then she started imparting some “romantic elements” ! So evolution of “golden tongued” birds could be the part of this process. Evolution of Angiosperms in the plant world is a parallel example for the same. With the rise of Angiosperms, the colour, fragrance and nectar of flowers and fruits lead the nature into the next level of the cosmic play : Beautification ! It was just like colouring a picture after drawing the outline with sketch pencil. The romantic nature of the nature added a “heart” to every creation after a skeleton was made. Besides these “feasts for the senses”, the cosmic intelligence also provided a beautiful mind to enjoy it in every creations. In the animal world, some of the insects beautified into Butterflies; some of the reptiles evolved into birds… At last, the modern human were evolved, who got luck to born into this already romanticized world !

Somebody was dreaming on a bright day of a Jurassic period about a colourful, fragrant and musical spring. As the wheel of the evolution continued to roll, that cosmic dream had materialized ! It was a dream and it was a plan ! It was already predetermined by a cosmic visionary! There was or is a purpose for every single motion that occurred and occurring in the universe.

It seems many among us are in the Jurassic period ! : unable to hear and enjoy the songs of these birds. For us music means the synthetic musical notes of the vocal cords and the musical instruments. But, we are completely deaf towards the “cosmic  chants” of these poor fellows. They are singing for us ! Then why we are covering our ears against them? In the dawns and desks of this semi -real world, they are singing beautiful symphonies that was composed by a cosmic musician. But in the “busy schedules” of life, we are neglecting this free gift !

Come out of your room ! Sit under a tree ! Take a voluntary breath ! Remove your artificial spectacles from your eyes which make you colour-blind and myopic towards this colourful cosmos! Open your ears to the non-stop melodies of nature! Open your noses for the fresh scents of unknown flowers. Stretch your hands for a silky touch of the running breeze ! Open your mind and make it cosmic ! Realize – your visible body is a part of nature, despite of who you are and how you are. It (or we) is (are) made of the nature and made for the nature !
