Flower in the way-side bush (Poem)


A flower in the way-side bush,

Unseen by the pedestrians,

Had opened in a dark night.


The wind has taken the scent,

Away from its blooming heart

Over the mountains and valleys.


Over the lands and seas,

Crossing the galaxies and nebulae,

To the garden of dark night.


The fire-flowers bloom there,

The planet- beetles revolve around,

Along with the meteor- fire flies.


Days and nights passed away,

Seasons and years fell from the sky,

Still the fragrance fills the Ether.


As its light has came, in the east,

Fell down with the dark sky -flowers

Silently, in the bleeding morning.


Dry wind carried the fallen petals ,

The pedestrians stamped on, crushed it,

Still the scent pleases a distant nose !
