“Sense” of the Senses !


While leaving from my office for a holiday, I had noticed an ordinary, yet interesting view. An eagle is standing on the tip of a tall, leafless tree and looking around. Certainly, It was searching for its prey.

I imagined myself in the place of the eagle. With my myopic eyes, I can hardly see a cow or a bull standing down, on looking from that height!

It is just a simple example. There are many incidents and phenomena in front of us which is non-detectable for us. Our senses are just like an extended palm, intended to collect the perceptions from a sea of incidences !

Our visible range is between 400-700nm in the electromagnetic spectrum. If we consider the whole electromagnetic spectrum, it is a very narrow range of wavelength. We are able to detect the 7 colours of rainbow. But there are many other colours beyond violet and red region, which is invisible for us. For us colour means, 3 primary colours (Red, Blue and Green) and their combinations. Still, for us this world is colourful. Then what if our nervous system could recognize other colours also ! For example , a bee can see ultraviolet rays. That means, they see the rainbow in a different manner and in different colours ! So the  same rainbow of the sky, is different for different living beings. It is just a demonstration of another nature of the nature – unreality ! Nothing we see in the nature is real ! The nature we enjoy is just a collection of perceptions we receive through the narrow holes of our senses.

We call a situation darkness for absence of rays that belong to our visible range. So we call it night which is used as a time for rest. But remember, still there are so many lights, which we can not see with our eyes ! Suppose a person who is able to detect the lights beyond the visible range, the night is not at all dark for him ! For us, everything in the nature, we judge in the basis of law of relativity. Our senses have limitations and many times we could get easily fooled. For a person, who is sitting in the light of a Tube light, he is actually in darkness half of the time. He can’t recognize it because of “Persistence of Vision” – A property of our eyes. We can enjoy a movie, as the light falling on the screen in a speed, beyond the persistence of the vision, and we never feel it’s discontinuity. On sleep, we partially cut-off from all stimuli around us, unable to receive mild-ones. Yes, many times we feel this world enjoyable because of the inefficiency of our senses ! There are situations where, our weakness makes the earthly life enjoyable, opposing our common notion ! We are proud and happy with our disabilities !

Fluorescent materials are capable of emitting the light with long wavelength ( lesser energy level ) by absorbing short wavelengths (higher energy level). Suppose a board coated by a fluorescent material, which absorb the ultraviolet ray (invisible) and emit a light that fall in our visible range, in the night. We will see the board shining in the darkness as it produce the light! Or even after the light source had stopped, it continue emitting light. It is again a situation in the material world, where the result will be visible and detectable, but in the same time the cause will be invisible. It can explain some incidents in our life, which we feel as happened without any cause. Actually nothing is happening without any cause. Only thing is the cause is beyond our senses !

Suppose, my rod and cone cells in my eyes got a capacity to detect gamma rays ! Now my visible range is gamma- range. For me you will be invisible, as your body is transparent for gamma rays ! You are not there for me, as the gamma rays are passing through your body and not reflecting back ! This is a question for the people who are denying the presence of things which are beyond there range of perception of the senses. We don’t know there exists another world, overlapping our material world, which is out of our perception. Sometimes animals could be able to sense it. The strange activity of animals may reveals this fact.

In a bright morning of 2001, I had noticed the crows are making noise in an unfamiliar way, and dogs are howling and running here and there. I felt some sort of gloominess in the nature, even in the incidence of sunlight. The trees seemingly stood as cautious. After few minutes, the earth started trembling. It was a minor earthquake measured 5 in Richter Scale. Similar incidents are reported from all over the world. The animals are capable of detecting minor waves and wavelength changes in the nature.

The world of sounds also similarly complicated. All vibrating substances make a sound. But unlike the light, here needed a medium for the transmission of vibrations, to reach organic ears to make the ear-drums to vibrate. We have an audible range of vibrations of 20 Hz -20000 Hz. We are totally dump towards the infrasonic (<20 Hz) and ultrasonic (>20000 Hz) vibrations. In nature, every particle is vibrating. As every particle is having wave property, presumably everything vibrate and make a sound ! But to how many sounds we are familiar with? As the nature is full of vibrations, there exists a wide range of sounds, not audible for us. Bats are using ultrasonic sound for their navigation. Elephants are also capable to detect it. Why to say, even majority of the sounds in the audible range also unfamiliar for us. Many times I’m not able to listen to the tick-tick sound of the clock in the wall, even though it makes a loud and clear voice ! Yes, again we got fooled by the senses !

Many times I felt we have another sense. It can be explained as a separate sense or a harmonious co-ordination of 5 senses or a “super sense”. Our consciousness is scattered, and darkened by the thick clouds of worldly matters in our normal business of life. It is shading the sunlight of “super perceptions” that enter to our soul. We put the super-sensory  areas of our “self” in darkness by dumping the “hormonal-gastric” matters of our daily material-life! We are using the temple of our life as a go-down and hide out for harmful rodents! So that we are still living in pain and angry, by depending on the limited abilities (or inabilities) of 5 senses . Still I’m keep on getting fooled by the “nonsense of senses” while typing this article !
