The Glorified Caterpillar



You encounter a leaf with holes in a Brinjal plant of the vegetable garden you grow. Once you neglect it, you will see the leaf gradually eaten up further. Later you will see the other leaves also started defigurized. You will definitely feel bad while seeing the skeleton of the leaf.

Imagine another instance… After few days of the first incident, you are feeling alone and sitting on the courtyard of your house in a sunny afternoon. A butterfly with its mysterious steps of dance is revolving around you and sitting on a flower in front of you. Even if you are heavy inside, it will take your heart away atleast for a moment and blossom a smile on your lips.

Who thinks the butterfly was the same caterpillar few days before you had seen? Or who will be love full to the caterpillar thinking of its future as a butterfly?

There is a treasure inside you to amaze and amuse the world… whoever identifies himself as a caterpillar and aims to be a “Big caterpillar” will eat up the resources of the world. Believe it. They will eat up the “vital” or “Productive” aspects of the world for their survival. But this kind of survival cannot be justified, since it is nothing but a kind of greed. They are taking away the space or chance of another life, and make this world a “deformed leaf”. But whoever sees a butterfly inside the own body of a caterpillar, will do something good for the cosmos.
A potent caterpillar undergoes a “Metamorphosis” in its life. This is the right word to express and explain the process of self-realization that happens in a life.

Let us have a travel through the life of a caterpillar (Larva). After eating enough food, it will enter in a tiny “cocoon” made by leaves and remain quiescent for sometime as Chrysalis (Pupa). After which a short period of time, the world will see the angelic beauty of a “glorified caterpillar” that flies out from the cocoon. Here he caterpillar had made a change in his life. He settled down calm first. Have you ever experienced this situation in your life?

After the run of the brisk daily business, you catch up the beauty of the sky that was adorned with Golden ornaments of stars, like an Indian Bride. As you look at the eyes of the universe, you feel yourself a “settling down” inside you. It is like a dusty day ends up with a shower of rain which settles the dust down. As your thoughts are settling down, you will take fresh breath of relief. There are other infinite similar moments also happen in day to day life. But one’s victory is in conserving that fresh spark in their life without cease. It may fade away but another breeze of inspiration can flame it again.
A butterfly no longer eats the leaves. It’s drinking the nectar from the flowers. It invokes a prism of thoughts. This nectar is a kind of joy of mind, which has no name ! That we will experience in some tranquil “illuminated” moments, in core of the heart, when the mind is like a motionless but deep ocean. You will yourself feel on the highest peak of a mountain, where only the sky is above, away from all kind of noises of the world.

A glorified caterpillar deserves nectar. A caterpillar never feels satisfied eating the “tasteless” leaf. The pollen dusts from the androecium of the flower, that stick on the appendages of the butterfly, moved to the stigmatic surface of the same or another flower. This is exactly called the process of “pollination”. It is an important process for the survival of the continuity of the life in the universe! Because, it transform the beauty of the flower into the sweetness of the fruit.  An animal eat from it and satisfy own hungry. The seeds inside the fruits got dispersed by various means, so the plant literally grows through its plantlets.

Be Winged…

This world can be compared to the plant where the human caterpillars eats leaf, make cocoon and pollinating (after metamorphosis). An ignorant person eats up whatever is available to him without any sense. Chewing it, he never feels satisfaction. Because, it is not the resource he must be utilized for the life. He wanted to be remained as a “persistent caterpillar” or a “magnified caterpillar”, not a ” “Glorified caterpillar”. Cocoon is an exclusive place or situation,  which is otherwise known as a point of “self-realization”. As your internal mirror got cleansed from the dust of worldly matters, you will see the beauty of your true being. This will inspire you to adorn your being and present to the world. The butterfly had already born inside the caterpillar during the “meditation” inside the cocoon! After sometimes, the world sees its realization. Again as a pollinator, it benefits to the plants and other fellow beings who receive food from the plants driving the process of fruit setting. Actually what good things we are enjoying in this world are the fruits that were formed because of such enlightened personalities. Seeds are the primary product of pollination. It helps in the multiplication of the plant species. Similarly, such people making the world a better place by making avail of it’s space to others.

Be as if you have wings… You will see the realization soon…
