The Significance of God


What I am about to share is the way I define God through the experiences I have had in my life. This is not a subject for debate, as it pertains solely to my own beliefs.


What / Who is God?

Here’s a corrected version of the text:

“‘God’ might be the word with the most definitions ever, and also the most controversial. But do the mere descriptions provided by our religions define God well? And if we truly believe that the failed logic of our religions can explain the existence and significance of God, we have a serious problem.

God exists as the answer to our questions which have no answers – Scientific / logical. If we had explanations to all our questions, there would be no significance for God.

Do we need God?

Yes, we need God. God is the belief that gives us strength, confidence, and hope. God represents the ultimate law and order. There are many things beyond our control, and we believe God is the one who controls them. God is:

– The power that created this universe
– The ultimate judge for injustice
– The one with whom our dear ones are reunited after their demise.

Does God Exist?

Yes, God does exist, and that is obvious. God will exist until we find the answer to the ultimate question: ‘How did the first particle of matter form from this vast emptiness?’
