Anunnaki – The Mythical Reality

May be this is the first time you are hearing the word “Anunnaki”. So, Before getting into “my analysis” about Anunnaki , lets understand what it is:

Anunnaki is a race of beings, said to be the God people who ruled the ancient Mesopotamia ( Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Akkadian Empires). They are believed to be the offsprings of “An” the male God and “Ki” who is considered as the Mother Goddess of  Sumeria, came from “Nibiru” – the extra ordinary planet that revolves around Sun in a deep elliptical orbit. Anunnaki looks like human beings but were different in other physical and intellectual abilities. They were giants, double the size of normal humans and had an outstanding knowledge about everything.

Almost all ancient scriptures including Bible, Torah and clay tablets recovered from Sumerian, Akkadian and Babylonian cultures say about Anunnaki (in different names). In every scriptures, they are considered Gods who controlled people’s lives. They ruled people not by threatening them, instead, they educated them about agriculture, architecture, astronomy, medicine, politics and everything else needed for an advanced society. They put forward laws, rules and regulations which bought discipline to peoples lives. They took language to the next level making people communicate more effectively. In short, they were the ones who gave wisdom to ancient humans, who were leading a barbaric, order less life.

Now the question arouses : Is Anunnaki real? Or is it just a myth!

Some mainstream scientists believe Anunnaki is a fictional character, just like many other Gods and Goddesses of primitive cultures. They point out the lack of “Solid Evidence” saying depictions in walls and tales in scriptures can not be accounted. But for me, things are different. I believe Anunnaki is real and here is the reason why:

Lets travel back into time, imagine the life before 1 million years. There are primitive human species (hominids) who were different in appearance than modern humans. They lead an entirely different life as hunter gatherers and barbaric nomads with no social values. They even killed each other over food, shelter and mate, just like animals. 5,00,000 years later, there came the Homo Sapiens, who are considered to be the modern type of hominids, more advanced in shape, size and brain capacity – BUT THE ORIGIN STILL UNKNOWN.  With their sharp brain features they lead a successful life overcoming the threats of nature including weather, predators and even other hominids.  In the battle over territory for a long period of time, Homo sapiens defeated all other hominids and lead the way for their extinction. Meanwhile, they “evolved” into a more capable species named Homo Sapiens Sapiens or the “modern man”! But Still…

But still, the life wasn’t much different for the homo sapiens for a very long time until something spectacular happened. All in a sudden there happened a dramatic change in lifestyle. They started to cultivate plants and animals instead of hunting, they started to build strong houses and structures using stones and megaliths unlike primitive methods, they left behind their barbaric behavior and lead a disciplinary life, they stopped wandering and started settling in a specific place developing it as a society. All of these happened in between ten thousand or eight thousand years ago! People with no visible change in behavior and lifestyle for several thousands of years, suddenly transforming into a cultural society! How did this happened? Was it a gradual transformation or did it happened all in a sudden?!

The current evidences clearly states one point. There are no such clue as a gradual transformation of human beings. All these drastic changes occurred spontaneously in between a specific period of time. We can see another form of this transformation in present day scenario. We can see how fast we are growing now, both technologically and intellectually. If you want to understand the development, compare today’s life with that of last decade or that of last century. You can see an amazing change in all sectors. What an amazing change, huh?!

So the humans we know today are capable of fast growth, who can bring drastic change to the society every year. Surprisingly, these are the same human beings or species, who failed to reflect this capability into their lives 40,000 years ago! If they have utilized their brains the right way, they could have achieved the same technological and intellectual growth before 30,000 years (when calculating the growth we achieved since the last ten thousand years) . But Homo sapiens were not that intelligent to do so. Then how did we developed into the modern “us” in such a short period of time?

The humans started practicing something new which they haven’t done before or probably never thought of. How can a society change this fast? There is only one possibility. Somebody has to show them, somebody has to teach them. And that somebody is “Anunnaki”, the technologically advanced beings who educated humans about everything. They taught:

Agriculture: Started cultivation of crops like never before. Understanding more about agriculture in a scientific manner

Architecture: Started building structures like never before. Usage of Megaliths to built storage, houses, and other buildings

Astronomy: Started understanding the cosmological phenomenon, and using them in more purposeful way (understanding and predicting different seasons, time etc and using that knowledge of stellar objects in travelling far distances)

Medicine: Started treating the sick ones using newest techniques and medicines like never before.

Language and literature: Introduction of writing languages (symbols) along with verbal conversation. Started creating clay tablets on different topics for future reference .

Politics: Making rules and laws for a peaceful society. Bringing more discipline to people’s lives like never before.

The “Anunnaki” gave wisdom to human beings, which changed their lives and paved a way for their future generations. The humans were so grateful. In return they praised Anunnaki, presented precious gifts, obeyed them and offered services as long as they needed it. Years passed, humans continued developing in every aspects of life over the watch of Anunnaki. Gradually humans became able to handle things themselves and learned to pass the knowledge they acquired to the next generation. Once Anunnaki realized their service is no longer required for the survival of human race, they left leaving their marks behind and one heck of a story to tell.

The depictions of Anunnaki is well preserved and visible in almost all ancient cultural sites of Mesopotamia as wall sculptures, paintings, clay tablets, stamps and cuneiform scriptures. It clearly shows: from where they came, what they did and why did they left!? The tales of Anunnaki survived millennia even after their departure from earth through cultural scriptures and holy books. During this time, something special happened, people started worshiping them for the “gifts” they gave us. Those ancient rulers were gradually becoming their spiritual leaders or Gods. We still read about those mythical beings as divine characters or deities in our holy scriptures. Which unfortunately nobody pays interest in understanding. At the time of their departure, they promised to come back one day, to help us once again, if needed.

Who were the Anunnaki in real, and why did they raised the human kind – was there a purpose? We will take a closer look in another chapter.