When I Look Around: The Bio Intelligence


Life is the magical thing ever happened in this universe. It really gives a reason for this very universe to exist. What if there was no life here! Can you imagine that? Its wild. However, there is life and we are aware of it. When talking about life, the first thing we have to consider is its sustainability. We believe life formed on earth 3 billion years ago. How life sustained this long period of time through all those unfavorable conditions?

Bio Intelligence may be the answer.

Bio intelligence is an intellectual network spread through all living things in this world. It connects everything virtually. It is a state of equilibrium even though we can see and feel changes everywhere. In fact, Any change to this balanced condition triggers another change to maintain the equilibrium.

Bio intelligence was in action since the first form of life appeared on earth, aiming to sustain life in this planet at any cost. This power works inside all living things despite of complexity to make them thrive in all situations. It is so powerful to make sudden changes in physical appearance or mental capabilities. These favourable changes may be temporary or permanent.

A temporary change in physical and mental abilities for a sudden survival from the rival conditions is called as adaptation.

The Permanent change, that pass through generations by rewriting the genetic code to make favourable changes in them by birth itself is called as mutation. All these changes results in Evolution – the master tool of bio intelligence to sustain life on earth. Evolution makes advanced life forms to fit life in them and protect it from the challenging environment.

How it happens?

Changes in the environmental conditions force the bio intelligence to make changes in physical and mental abilities of organisms. This is more likely to be an experiment in which many combinations of adaptations are tried within a species. The organisms with most suitable adaptation survives where others fail. Bio intelligence identifies that specific adaptation as the perfect one, and make it permanent by mutation. Thus the new generations of organisms can adapt to the changing environment.

How fast does Bio Intelligence act?

Based on our style of time measurement, it takes a long time to get a stable result. But as of the time line of life, its fast enough. The actions of bio intelligence depends on the needs of the organism to survive in an unfavorable condition. If a change is required for survival, it reacts fast. After identifying the suitable adaptation, bio intelligence makes it permanent on the species. But it may take a few generations to get to effect. It is not spontaneous anyway.

There should be a solid reason to make a change in a species’s natural form. No living thing can bring a permanent change on themselves intentionally. There should be a threat for its existence, and this threat is interpreted by the bio intelligence to study its severity and effect on life. If its found lethal in a long run, bio intelligence will act to make favorable changes in the species to overcome the threat, which passes through the coming generations with the help of genetic mutation to make a strong & sustainable species.

This is how today’s world has evolved. All organisms we see today has gone through series of changes to get through the ever changing environment. And finally, they have became the perfect ones to live in the present, overcoming all challenges, telling the world – we will exist. LIFE – the most mysterious energy of this universe goes on within the watch of that magical force.

Our world will thrive as long as the Bio Intelligence is in action.
