My Little Concern About Time


So many people are concerned about my future. My parents, my friends, my neighbors and all other people I love. They say I am wasting my time on simple little things. Finally, their loving advises struck my attention. After all these years of order less life, suddenly I am concerned about time. But it is not my future that I am concerned about, but the real time itself.

Time, is the wonderful thing we experience every moment of our life. What is time? Is that a phenomenon? Or is that a dimension? Or is it simply a measurement? It is in fact some of the questions we cant answer today!

The “Time” I know lies in the ticking dials of our watches and clocks. And it wont stop unless the battery runs out! I can never imagine Time running backwards, because I always hated going school and I cant afford those days coming back!

But now, as a great enthusiast of the cosmos, I came to know that Time can be considered as a dimension. That information was absolutely out of my mental ability, I felt myself stupid as I couldn’t imagine Time as a physical dimension – just like thousand others. I also heard that it can run slower or it can be stopped or even it can run backwards! These information absolutely made me curious. Then I started asking myself, is it possible?! If yes, how!?

To find the answer, I had to take a closer look at the significance of Time. I started with its very existence. I followed the lines of mainstream scientists who said Time began at the time of Big Bang! After limitless thinking and being a little crazy about the subject, I came to an incredible conclusion that, Time really existed   even before the Big Bang. But if there is no matter in this universe, Time does not have any significance.  Time is not what we think it is. It is neither a dimension, nor a phenomenon.

Then what exactly is it?

As of me, Time is the Unit of change. Time is experienced when matter undergoes any specific change in its position, appearance or characteristics. A matter with no change in its appearance or characteristics experience no time. The position of matter is not accounted until it cause any change in its appearance or characteristics. Even a slightest change can be measured in units of time. These changes are not random, but a lot of conditions influence these changes, which we can not specify. Our technology is not that precise to understand all those “conditions” to predict the changes, and so we call it as – Random! Nothing in this world is random, its a fact we cant deny!

Time can not be paused, stopped, fastened up or reversed. It just goes on steadily. But even if the time pass by, we can control the changes (physical and chemical) happening to the Matter. By controlling these changes we can freeze, slow down, fasten or even reverse the time experienced by that Specific matter, theoretically. To attain this, we have to create appropriate conditions.

For an example, to reverse the Time experienced by a dead star which have undergone a supernova explosion, we have to reverse the explosion itself. For that, we need to get the scattered particles back into the dying star. The amount of energy we should apply is same as that of the energy released during the explosion. Also, we have to apply it to the right place at right time. When and where to apply is out of question.

In this case, the irreversible physical and chemical changes occurred during the supernova explosion makes it impossible for us to bring it back to the early state. (But there might be other life forms in this universe who are capable of doing it. Lets hope they exist.) Imagine its possible by us in future, then the time can be reversed for that specific matter (here, the star).

Anyway, this can be applied to living cells as well! To freeze the time experienced by a living thing, we have to stop the chemical reactions happening in the cellular level or even atomic level. It is quite complicated and I hope our technology is advanced enough to attain this miracle up to some level. It is happening in labs and we attained it with the help of cryogenics. Thanks to those mega minds who worked it out!

So, what happened now? Did we Pause time?

Of Course we didn’t! Time just goes on, but the time experienced by those preserved cells are paused, as it continues at a state of zero change. But everything else in the world goes on!

Time is not relative, it just goes on and on.. but experiencing Time is relative. Its not same for everything in this universe. Different substances including living and non – living things, experience time in a different way. It depends on their state, position and composition. If these three doesn’t change, a substance experiences no Time. If its state, position or composition change, that substance will experience time accordingly.

Anyway, thats what I learned about Time and I think its Time to stop speaking about Time… (lol)

A huge thanks to my dear ones (who are concerned about my future) for helping me to understand “Time” better. And, here are some facts I figured out :

  • Time existed before the beginning of our universe, and will exist forever.
  • Time can neither be Created, nor be destroyed!
  • We Cant See, touch or feel time. But there is Time.
  • Time created everything, Time destroys everything.

And now, analyzing these points, I started asking myself – Is Time “God”?
