A Blind Imitation !


Here is a Guest I met on 14-05-2016, who made me shocked for a while !

It is exactly a dried stem! We can see the “dried bark” peeled from the main wood!

It has nodes (bulged parts especially where the leaves are arranges in opposite manner) and internodes (slender long part between two nodes) like a stem or twig.

It has some fungus or lichen like small projections, just like a dried stem!

Its end look like a natural break, where the “bark” has peeled off, exposing the inner “wood” portion. Also was oriented to one side asymmetrically.

It is a nearly Perfect Camouflage! Nobody can say it is not a dried stem!

Following questions are important:

  1. Which plant is the “model” for this camouflage? Is the model is really existing? ( Is it an “imaginary” plant or true one?
  2. If yes, what is the relation of this creature with that plant?
  3. How many generations it took to form this appearance? (Through the process of “Natural Selection)

The purpose of this camouflage is to hide from it’s natural enemies. Again, this creature selected a green surface to sit ! So it may “think” that it will look more natural!

It knows itself as it pulls legs into the trunk of the body, to looks more like a stem!


Nature is a laboratory, where new unimaginative inventions and discoveries were happens every moment. Be a child to feel these wonders… to see the fruiting of sun and moon… to see the garden of stars in the dark night… to hear the symphony of crickets.. to hear the claps of a hill side stream… to smell the scent of a distant flower… to taste a fruit of a way-side bush… to feel the touch of a running air…

Nature reveals itself to a child eye…Not to an intelligent eye…

See the world through child eyes…!
