I , U & V…. Y?


Do I have any justification for my existence? For many among us this question may sounds as of a person who is depressed… Actually it is the question that a living creation should frequently ask in mind ,in  each moment of its existence. “Why should I live? Is there any justification for my existence?
I’m one among 700 crore people. If I’m a carbon copy of some other, I’m losing own identity. Gradually I become nothing but a burden for the nature and the humanity. It itself prove that I’m unfit for the existence and having no right to occupy this precious space.

But I’m eligible for existence as I’m different… and Everyone, Everyone in the earth…
Who decides the parameters of life? We are not looking same. Our physiology is different. Our name itself is different. But, ironically the society had made some inbuilt concept about its members. It is becoming a kind of cattle-market. “Job- market”, “marriage market” etc. are some examples. People are supposed to be polished themselves “to be sold”. There no value for identity and ideologies.

The society always tends to make some templates. One who falls on it knows it is not their way. But they are not efficient to swim against the torrential flow that society put on them. If somebody swimming in a different direction, the society always tends to hurt them inhumanly. Those people would be marked as either big heroes or big zeros in the later history – the blind society decides. In fact they contribute something to the world and already proved the necessity of their existence. Carbon copies seem very desirable for a person who stands inside the tiny closed cocoon of the society.
Survival of the Fittest”- it is a Darwinian principle that regularly quotes for the career and human life. But we propose another way of life. It is nothing but “Symbiosis”. It is a mutual beneficiary relation. “Survival of the fittest” is a kind of mechanism in which one of the participants got hurt. The “fit” in one case doesn’t mean he will be fit always. So the “fittest “is no safe anymore ! But in “Symbiosis” there is no harm for anyone and provides space for mutual growth. As there is no “Bottleneck Effect”, all are enabled to swim swiftly.
What is necessarily needed for the establishment for a symbiotic world? First we must know ourselves: Our strengths and weaknesses. Actually both are relative terms as there are instances in personal as well as social life, where the weakness becomes the beneficial. So whatever had deposited in us is useful and should use it wisely with the inherent wisdom we possess.

We should encourage the diversity. We must learn to find beauty in everything and everyone. Diversity is natural and similarity is artificial. Once we start enjoying the diversity, we will be start respecting others with different characteristic features, lifestyle, views and ideologies. Similarly we will appreciate our diversity of experiences in our life, to which many among us are afraid of !

We must realize, we are not here to prove anything. Whoever you are, whatever you are doing, do it in unique and useful way that the whole society got benefited. It is the high time to throw away the competitive attitude, and shed the wrong “insecurity feelings” down as the world is itself becoming a place of battles and rivalries. There is enough space and opportunity for all who are born here. Some time, we have to wait in queue patiently. But, rushing into it makes creates unhealthy situation where even one who succeeds also gets some injuries.

Be yourself is the key to be different. Being yourself different is the key to a society, on which the goodness of diversity can be enjoyed. such a society is the fertile soil for sowing the seeds of love and peace.
